Cos 0 Degrees

Cos Zero Degrees

The value of cos 0 degrees is 1

  • Cos 0°: 1
  • Cos (-0 degrees): 1
  • cos(0rad) = 1
  • cos(-0rad) = 1

See below a useful trigonometric functions chart of special angles

xrad sin(x) cos(x) tan(x) csc(x) sec(x) cot(x)
0 0 1 0 0 1 0
30° π/6 1/2 3/2 3/3 2 2√3/3 3
45° π/4 2/2 2/2 1 2 2 1
60° π/3 3/2 1/2 3 2√3/3 2 3/3
90° π/2 1 0 (*) 1 0 0
120° 2π/3 3/2 -1/2 -√3 2√3/3 -2 -√3/3
135° 3π/4 2/2 -√2/2 -1 2 -√2 -1
150° 5π/6 1/2 -√3/2 -√3/3 2 -2√3/3 -√3
180° π 0 -1 0 0 -1 (*)
210° 7π/6 -1/2 -√3/2 3/3 -2 -2√3/3 -√3
225° 5π/4 -√2/2 -√2/2 1 -√2 -√2 1
240° 4π/3 -√3/2 -1/2 -√3 -2√3/3 -2 -√3/3
270° 3π/2 -1 0 (*) -1 0 (*)
300° 5π/3 -√3/2 1/2 -√3 -2√3/3 2 -√3/3
315° 7π/4 -√2/2 2/2 -1 -√2 2 -1
330° 11π/6 -1/2 3/2 -√3/3 -2 2√3/3 -√3

(*) means an undefined value.