What is 10-10*10+10?

What is the answer to 10-10*10+10?

10-10*10+10 = -80

Whenever you are dealing with any mathematical operation just remember “PEDMAS” and proceed accordingly.

P - Parenthesis

E - Exponents

D - Division

M - Multiplication

A - Addition

S - Subtraction

Using PEDMAS means that the order to solve an arithmetic expression is Parenthesis → Exponents → Addition / Subtraction  → Multiplication / Division.

We want to solve this expression: 10-10*10+10"?

In this case we don't have neither parenthesis nor exponents. So, “PEDMAS” we get:

10 - 10 × 10 + 10 = ?

= 10 - 100 + 10 (multiplication)

= 10 - 90 (addition)

= -80 (subtraction)


10 - 10 × 10 + 10 = -80 (answer)