What is 70 + 70 ÷ 70 + 70 × 70 Equal To? Answer Explained

What is the correct answer for the expression 70 + 70 / 70 + 70 × 70?

70 + 70 ÷ 70 + 70 * 70 = 4971 (answer)

Whenever you are dealing with any mathematical operation just remember “PEDMAS” and proceed accordingly.

P - Parenthesis

E - Exponents

D - Division

M - Multiplication

A - Addition

S - Subtraction

PEDMAS means that we first evaluate parentheses/brackets, then evaluate exponents/orders, then evaluate multiplication-division, and finally evaluate addition-subtraction.

We want to solve this expression 70 + 70 ÷ 70 + 70 × 70 - 70.

The expression above has no parentheses or exponents, so we evaluate multiplication-division then addition-subtraction.

70 + 70 ÷ 70 + 70 × 70 = ?

Step 1 - evaluate the division 70 ÷ 70 = 1 to get

70 + 1 + 70 × 70

Step 2 - evaluate the multiplication 70 × 70 = 4900 to get

70 + 1 + 4900

Step 3 - evaluate the addition 70 + 1 = 71 to get

71 + 4900

Step 4 - evaluate the addition 71 + 4900 = 4971 to get


Thus, the answer is:

70 + 70 / 70 + 70 × 70 = 4971